This is the third post in a series of blog posts highlight the past few years of creating strong, impactful images for clientele through my Corporate business and the editorial work I create for East of the City magazine. In this series I will introduce you to some amazing human beings who run their own business(es) and shape the business landscape in the Durham Region.

Surrounded by iconic colour and creativity, the duo of Marc and Dee Walsh, are the owners of 4 Cats Arts Studio in Whitby where people of all ages can get their art on. After photographing Marc and Dee in 2015 for EAST of the City magazine we have become friends and they have become clients, as has our family of their business.

They both exude great energy and their art education, passion for this community and every day families is evident in their business and their inclusion in many off site charitable functions. At 4 Cats Art Studio you can study the masters of art, spin some clay on a wheel or learn the techniques of splatter or pour painting (to name but a few of the activities). Kids, adults and entire familiesĀ  come for the extremely popular paint splatter parties.

In an education system that continues to undervalue the importance of arts education it isĀ  breath of fresh air to see the work this studio does to bring art to the community in tandem, rather than in competition with other local art schools and institutions. After all the more art there is the better our world is for it.

If you are looking to create powerful images that make your business STAND OUT in a crowd contact us to tell your story. We create colourful, focused and professionally executed photographic images that stand the test of time.

For more information connect with us via our website form.

Kirsten McGoey, AOCAD, Visual Storyteller | Trinity Design Photography

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