The Christmas Experience 2018 (FAQs)

The Christmas Experience 2018 (FAQs)

It may be July but for the past 6 months we have been planning the most amazing, exclusive “The Christmas Barn Experience” for our clientele for this year’s experience seasonal. We are passionate about keeping our promise to keep you warm while capturing the experience and loved the idea of the barn for indoor comfort with on location ambience.

We are hosting this event along with our assistant, Kennedy Tinsley (of Kennedy Ann Photography), at Clarington’s Gallery on the Farm – an exclusive on site event that features a beautiful indoor barn setting. So authentic we listened to the moo of the cattle while we captured this test session in June 2018.

To see the site watch our introductory video below and for Frequently Asked Questions we are going to attempt to answer some below:

Frequently Asked Questions (last updated Aug 7, 2018)

  1. How do I book?
    • We are launching this event in a new storefront this week, so you can grab your spot. Only VIP Email list subscribers have access to this store front in August so submit your name via CONNECT to be on the email list.
    • It is first come first served which is a new process for us. Read the terms carefully.
    • Credit cards can be used.
  2. How long is “The Christmas Barn Experience”?
    • Each experience is 10 mins long with a 5 min buffer. These sessions move fast so arrival on time is key.
  3. What is the first date you are releasing?
    • Sunday October 14, 2018 will be released for purchase via our storefront week of Aug 6, 2018.
  4. Where is Gallery on the Farm?
    • Located just east of the Oshawa Zoo Gallery on the Farm is a private family farm. The Bowman family has been farming in the Durham Region for over 150 years and for many years on this property in Enfield. The fee to be on this location is included in your session fee. The site features a lovely barn and an on site store featuring local artisans and sales of organic meats.
  5. When should we arrive?
    • We recommend about 5 mins before your start time – we will have a greeter at the door.
  6. What happens if we do not attend the experience?
    • If you fail to give 24 hours notice and fail to attend your session your fee is not refundable or transferable.
  7. Is there parking on site?
    • Parking is free and we ask you be understanding this is a working farm and home, park where signs indicate this is permitted.
  8. How many people can attend the experience?
    • Two immediate adult family members and up to four children are included. For example, the following is allowed:
      • Parent + Parent + 4 kids (we support ALL families)
  9. Can we bring “insert name of extended family” along?
    • Due to the short length of these sessions no extended family is permitted. For extended family sessions please book a FULL FAMILY EXPERIENCE session.
  10. Can we bring our “insert pet name” to the experience?
    • This is a working farm with cows, dogs and cats – to name just a few. Unfortunately pets cannot attend these sessions for this reason and because they are time consuming to capture.
  11. May we do a non Christmas themed session during this event?
    • No. We get asked this EVERY YEAR. This is a Christmas themed event and cannot be changed. For a regular family session book our FULL FAMILY EXPERIENCE session experience.
  12. My child has special needs or needs extra time, can you help?
    • We recommend booking the last experience of the day so your child feels comfortable. All children/parents/caregivers deserve to feel great during our experiences and we work with families all the time to make this a reality.
  13. What kind of preparation is needed?
    • We will send each booking a PDF preparation document in September to help you in preparing for this event.
    • We will also send a contract which must be signed ahead of the experience confirming your agreement with the terms of this experience purchase.
    • We will also send a liability waiver for you to sign that covers both Gallery on the Farm and Trinity Design Photography and gives you access to the farm location.
  14. What kind of images are being taken during the experience?
    • We will take one family image.
    • The remainder will be portraits of your children.
    • When time allows we will pair adults and children.
  15. What is included in the sitting fee?
    • When buying this experience the following is included:
      • Photographers time and talent using professional photographic gear
      • Photography assisting courtesy of Kennedy Tinsley
      • 5 digital files (photographers choice), fully edited
      • online delivery of files printable to 8×10
      • a set of 3 metal ornaments with the year inscribed on the back for your tree
      • exclusive Print the Christmas Experience online store open for one week after delivery to order additional items for the holidays (administration fees will be charged to reload a gallery after expiry).
  16. Are you insured?
    • Our registered business has a full compliment of business insurance.
  17. Will there be other days/dates?
    • We sell one date at a time. We hope to host another date but there is not guarantee of this happening.
  18. What if our child/we are sick?
    • Our limited edition “The Christmas Barn Experience” is not refundable. We will gladly move you to a studio session in 2018; but as this is a limited edition event on a private property we cannot guarantee “barn images” should you not be able to attend due to illness.
  19. We have “insert sport here” and might have a conflict – what is your policy?
    • We have three kids in soccer and dance so while we understand, sports/activities are beyond our control. Please note our limited edition “The Christmas Barn Experience” is not refundable.
    • We will gladly move you if there is room to another spot in the barn experience. If not then to a studio session in 2018; but as this is a limited edition event on a private property we cannot guarantee “barn images” should you not be able to attend due to sports scheduling conflicts.
  20. I hear there is shopping on location, what does this include?
    • Join Eric and Jenny in the Gallery shop for some of the following local items:
      • Organic meats raised and prepared on the farm.
      • Local art from Eric and other local artists
      • Cards from several local artisans
      • Local items such as soaps, crochet, honey and other fare all available.
      • Enjoy shopping local for the holiday season after your session is complete.

As questions are asked I will add more content to this blog post to keep you in the know.

Still feeling your questions are unanswered?

Give us a call between 9-2 weekdays – 905.925.7529, please do not contact us via FB messenger.

Kirsten McGoey | Visual Storyteller | Trinity Design Photography

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