Magical Christmas Portraits (Trinity Design Whitby)

Magical Christmas Portraits (Trinity Design Whitby)

Time is ticking on a child’s belief in Santa. While true it might continue after the age or 8 to 10 it’s rare for it to last much longer (insert the sadness here from all parents/grandparents). So when our 8 year old, who last spring announced he knew about the “Santa thing” we thought our third had joined the ranks of the children who carry the secret of “believing” for the younger kids.

When he sat down this October and announced he needed to be “good for Santa” our family saw a reprieve – courtesy I would like to think from some Christmas magic from the big guy himself. (Yes, some of us still believe).

Shown above is the holiday version of our White Box experience – a different take on family photos. Also a collage composite this has been a mainstay of our studio for the past three years at holiday times and year round.

We just added this third composite to the collection because we “believe” in magical portraits at Christmas. All three are amazing backgrounds from the magical Tara Mapes collection.

I am in love with the simple magic of the window and our third “believer” with his letter to Santa which by tradition was mailed through our studio mailbox (it works every time).

If you are interested in a holiday portrait with us we thought it would be helpful to show you how they work. Each child or pet is captured in their holiday finest in the studio. We then hand edit a magical portrait using the talented and gorgeous digital composites we own – the window and roof by Tara Mapes.

Our studio has a lot of Christmas accessories, a number of Roots Cabin Sweaters and other items you can borrow for portraits should you need it. That being said we do encourage you to bring your own special holiday items and PJs/robes. These touches can make it a much more personal story for your Christmas keepsake portraits.

Our lovely girl Sydney is a secret operative of Santa. Unlike the house eleves her job is to extend the season of belief with her boys. We created this portrait to show her explaining to Santa that yes her assignment was going very well and her youngest boy is a believer again. The story is literally melting my heart and this will be a printed keepsake for years to come in our family.

Sydney loves to watch for Santa in the window, she’s a magical addition to our family.

To book a spot in the studio connect with us as soon as you can – our supplier deadlines are fast approaching. Connect via our website form: Book the Magic of Christmas

Kirsten McGoey | Visual Storyteller | Trinity Design Photography

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