We have had the Shoot and Share application for over a year now and love how easy it makes showing clients how their images will appear on the walls of their OWN homes and offices. Here are the simple steps to have a mockup done for your home:

  • Tape an 8.5×11 sheet of paper to the wall you wish to mount your image(s) on.
  • We will use that sheet to measure so our mock up is to scale.
  • Let us know the sizing you are considering.
  • We will add that to the wall.
  • We can also help you work out wall clusters and photo walls.
  • Once complete we send you a mock up like the one shown here for a recent client (permission to show).

Print the experience with this handy tool so you get the right size for your home. Handy rules of thumb are anything with three seats needs at least 16×20 or larger depending on the design and layout of your home to not look too small on your wall.

Need help? Email us your requirements to “trinitydesign@rogers.com” or call us @ 905.925.7529 during business hours M to F 9 to 2 or set up a call outside of those hours.

Kirsten McGoey, Visual Storyteller

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