As a professional photographer image printing is an essential part of the service we deliver to you as a client at Trinity Design Photography. We use our skill and artistry to capture the experience and then bring together a collection of images that is hand edited to a specific colour and tone. It is for that reason we recommend strongly you use our print supplier which offers professional printing using professional papers and products.

Here are some quick tips for managing your files after we have helped you print the experience so you have access to them down the road in your own archive.

  1. Download them to your desktop.
    • Client files are delivered by our online server/software and must be downloaded to your own server to access them for archiving.
    • Files do not remain on our online server/software indefinitely as we have limited storage space which we pay for each year for our clientele.
    • After 7 days email downloads expire.
  2. Archive your files on the cloud.
    • DO NOT LEAVE YOUR FILES ON YOUR HARD DRIVE. Hard drives fail, same with CDs, USB keys and in time the technology will become obsolete (remember floppy discs).
    • Upload your files from your hard drive to your cloud of choice. Here are a few we like:
      • Flickr (free to a specific storage capacity)
      • Drop Box (free accounts to a specific size)
      • Google Drive (free to a specific storage capacity)
  3. What size are the files?
    • Our files are delivered at 3600 pixels wide which will print to 8×10 without any issues.
  4. I am having issues with printing via a third party supplier.
    • We are not able to control the issues of ordering with a third party supplier that is not our own. Once files have been downloaded we cannot support the myriad of online and big box supplier ordering for clients as it’s outside the terms of the contract signed (Section 5).
  5. I have lost my files, what do I do?
    • We are happy to reload your files; please note there will be an administration fee to cover the time to find and reload your images to our online server/software.
    • If it has been more than two years we cannot guarantee the files will be stored as per our Session Agreement (Section 11).
  6. I want to add images to our family yearbook. Is this ok?
    • Yes. Each session is released with terms for PERSONAL USE ONLY for this reason. We understand you will want to add images to yearbooks and print images for Christmas cards.
    • My images were for business (refer to the terms of use in your release or check with us first before using). This excludes headshots which are meant to be used for any purpose other than stock.
  7. I want to print previous sessions with Trinity Design Photography.
    • Call us to arrange a second ordering session.
    • If it has been more than two years we cannot guarantee the files will be stored as per our Session Agreement (Section 11).

When in doubt, please email us with questions or call us Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m..

Kirsten McGoey | Visual Storyteller | 905.925.7529 |

(Information regarding the Session Agreement is subject to change, 
refer to the agreement signed on the date of your experience).
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